‘Compliance’ in the press: Ebert + The Popcorn Reel

“There’s an especially powerful cinematic moment where cinematographer Adam Stone has close-ups of the eyes of several characters, enhanced by Heather McIntosh’s eerie, smart violin score. The quick, succession of shots is a moment of unspoken recognition of, checking in with, and an identification with the audience: we all are capable of doing unthinkable and compliant things, especially when trusted authority figures tell us it is okay to do so.” – The Popcorn Reel

Link: The Popcorn Reel

“Compliance” really, really disturbs some audience members. Omar Moore says it’s a powerful film. – @ebertchicago

Link: Ebert Twitter

By |2012-05-22T05:09:32+00:00May 22nd, 2012|Uncategorized|